Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stop Humping My Leg

I was raised with manners, and I firmly believe everyone should behave politely and with general courtesy to strangers and acquaintances. (Friends and loved ones are fair game, but I'll save that for a different blog post.)I am a relatively nice person. I believe people should treat one another with respect and dignity and a good smattering of kindness. You never know when saying hello, being friendly or just simply smiling at someone will make a huge difference.

So, if I'm nice to you in person or online, understand it comes from genuinely wanting to be nice.

It, however, is NOT an open invitation to hump my leg.

It absolutely floors me the disrespect I have been encountering recently. Call me naive, but when someone clearly is in a relationship, they are off limits. If you hit on me online or don't respect the fact that I am with PW, I will call you out. Very publicly and with as much venom as I can. Hence the Hall of Douchebaggery to your right.

I don't mind being complimented, what person does? But know where the line is.

And if you don't, I'll help you draw it...with a shovel.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD JOB BABY! That list grows every day it seems, we may need to write a 1,000 page book listing who and what they said in a couple years!

    I love you and you know how I feel: respect is a lost form of art.


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